September 9 – The Pellevoisin apparitions continue (France, 1876)

Pellevoisin: "Holy Mary most merciful"

Our Lady appeared in Pellevoisin in 1876, to Estelle Faguette, a 32-year-old woman with terminal tuberculous peritonitis. She announced to Estelle that she would recover, and introduced the scapular of the Sacred Heart to her, which Estelle was to make known. Finally, she told her that France would suffer, but invited her to remain peaceful and pray.

Mary said of herself that she was "most merciful," an expression she had never used previously in any other apparition. In the fifth apparition, Mary obtained Estelle's healing from her Son, on February 19, 1876.

During the ninth apparition, she revealed her mission to the young woman: to spread the scapular of the Sacred Heart. This is Estelle’s testimony:

“The Virgin told me: ‘My Son’s treasures have been opened for a long time; people should pray.’ Saying these words, she lifted the little piece of wool she wore on her chest. I saw a distinctive red heart, and immediately thought that it was a scapular of the Sacred Heart. Lifting it, she said: ‘I love this devotion. This is where I will be honored.’"

Mary has invited us to return to the message of Paray-le-Monial (the revelation of the Sacred Heart, 17th century), but also added a concrete devotion: wearing the scapular representing the Heart of Christ on one side, and the image of Mary on the other. This devotion to the two Hearts was already very dear to Saint John Eudes (who will certainly be declared "Doctor of the Church" soon) before the apparitions to Saint Margaret Mary. 

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