September 5 – Our Lady of Pedancino (Italy) – Death of French Catholic poet Charles Péguy (d. 1914)

A Lady in white stopped me at the edge of Hell

In the 1930s in Brazil, as a Freemason was dying, his family and friends kept close watch of the house to prevent any priests from entering. A priest tried to come three times but was sent away without the knowledge of the dying man.

The latter’s condition was worsening, and he lost consciousness. He was thought to be dead, when suddenly, causing a great shock around him, he sat up in his bed and shouted angrily:

"Stupid fools! It is true that there is a hell! I was about to be thrown into it, when a Lady in white stopped me on the edge, to give me time to confess!"

Then, addressing his brother and his wife:

"You were the ones who sent the priest away three times, he who came to visit me to close the gate of hell and open Heaven for me! You, brother, I’ll let you know that you are not the master in this house! Let my wife go find that priest immediately! I want to confess!"

He made his confession full of joy, then breathed his last breath.

Excerpt from a letter by Father E. Mauran, OFS

Published in Le Chapelet des enfants (The Children’s Rosary) 

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