September 2 – Our Lady of the Nettles (Germany, 1441)

The days when the saints are not enough

There are days when patrons and saints are not enough. When you have to muster up your courage and speak directly to the one who is above everything. Be brave. For once.

Speak boldly to the one who is infinitely beautiful, because she is also infinitely good. To the one who intercedes. The only one who can talk with a mother’s authority.

Speak boldly to the one who is infinitely pure, because she is also infinitely sweet ...

Address the one who is infinitely noble. Because she is also infinitely courteous. Infinitely welcoming. Welcoming as the priest at the door of the church who goes to meet the newborn at the threshold. On the day of his baptism. To let him into the house of God. ...

Address the one who is the mother and queen of angels. Because she is also the mother and queen of men.

Address the one who is infinitely joyful, because also she is infinitely sorrowful. Seventy and seven-times-seventy times sorrowful. To the one who is so touching, because her heart has been touched. To the one who is all Greatness and all Faith, because she is all Charity too. To the one who is all Faith and all Charity, because she is all Hope too.

Address the one who is Mary. Because she is full of grace. Address the one who is full of grace. Because she is with us. Address the one who is with us. Because the Lord is with her.

Charles Péguy (French poet, essayist, and editor – 1873-1914)

Excerpt from The Portico of the Mystery of the Second Virtue

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