October 28 – Our Lady of La Treille (Lille, France)

The Rosary remains the best protection

Our Lady warns, advises, shows deep concern, and weeps ... all the while churches continue to empty, with figures that would rattle the builders of our cathedrals: there are 4-5% of practicing Catholics left in France. In her apparitions of Akita, Japan, approved by the Vatican in June 1988, Our Lady seems to link all future disasters to mankind’s indifference, even contempt, for the sufferings of her Son, who died 2,000 years ago in appalling agony…

Because of this situation, Our Lady asks us to form a great flock and unite in prayer. The Rosary remains the best of protections. In 1936, on the eve of WWII, Cardinal Manuel Gonçalves Cerejeira, Patriarch of Lisbon, Portugal, wrote from Fatima: “They can laugh, those proud spirits who believe only in the value of reason and the sole power of force. The Rosary can do more for the establishment of the reign of justice, love, and peace, than all the armies of all nations, the resources of science, and the efforts of politicians. This spiritual weapon operates with the power of God. No Christian can doubt it. People scurry about but it is God who directs History.”

Pierre Barnerias, French Journalist

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