The Virgin Mary promised in Fatima that in the end, her Immaculate Heart would triumph. Our Lady, who is strong as an army arrayed in battle, will listen to the prayers of her children, in this simplest of prayers, within the reach of the simplest people—that of the Rosary.
A weapon of massive reconstruction, a line that puts us in direct contact with Heaven, the Rosary is the sure way to obtain divine assistance through the intercession of Our Lady. Our rosaries should be right at our fingertips. What is the use of lamenting, if we neglect the only real solution we have here and now?
In this month of the Rosary, the Poles have understood this: on the anniversary of the Battle of Lepanto, October 7, 2018, they organized a national Rosary event along all their borders and at their airports, with a million people who participated!
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