November 29 – The Virgin with the Golden Heart (Beauraing, Belgium, 1932)

Overpowered by contrition, he died at Mary's feet

There once was a poor sinner who, among other crimes, had killed his father and a brother, and therefore became a fugitive. Happening to hear one day during Lent a sermon on divine mercy, he went to the preacher himself to make his confession.

Having heard his crimes, the confessor sent him to an altar of the Sorrowful Mother to pray that she might obtain for him compunction and pardon of his sins. The sinner obeyed, and began to pray, when behold, suddenly overpowered by contrition, he fell down dead.

On the following day, when the priest recommended to the people to pray for the deceased, a white dove appeared in the church and let fall a card at the feet of the priest. He took it up, and found these words written on it: The soul of the deceased, when it left his body, immediately went to paradise; and you should continue to preach the infinite mercy of God! 

St Alphonsus Liguori, The Glories of Mary, 584 

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