November 27 – The Miraculous Medal (Paris, France, 1830)

Mary appears at the Rue du Bac Convent in Paris (I)

On the 27th of November, 1830 ... while making my meditation in profound silence ... I seemed to hear on the right hand side of the sanctuary something like the rustling of a silk dress. Glancing in that direction, I perceived the Blessed Virgin standing near St Joseph's picture. Her height was medium and her countenance, indescribably beautiful.

She was dressed in a robe the color of the dawn, high-necked, with plain sleeves. Her head was covered with a white veil, which floated over her shoulders down to her feet. Her feet rested upon a globe, or rather one half of a globe, for that was all that could be seen. Her hands, which were on a level with her waist, held in an easy manner another globe, a figure of the world. Her eyes were raised to Heaven, and her countenance beamed with light as she offered the globe to Our Lord.

As I was busy contemplating her, the Blessed Virgin fixed her eyes upon me, and a voice said in the depths of my heart: “This globe which you see represents the whole world, especially France, and each person in particular.”

 (To be continued tomorrow, November 28, 2018)

Testimony of Saint Catherine Labouré, seer of the Virgin Mary at the Rue du Bac

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