November 23 – Our Lady of the Assumption (Italy, 1624)

We cannot describe the features of the Virgin

Marthe Robin (1902-1981), co-founder of the Foyers de Charité (1) with Father Georges Finet, and proclaimed Venerable by the Pope in November 2014, had frequent visits of the Virgin Mary in her small room at the farm where she lived in Châteauneuf-de-Galaure (France). Here is how she depicted the Blessed Virgin:

"We cannot describe the features of the Virgin because they are all perfect. Her face is of incomparable beauty—it is luminous in a soft way, nothing too striking (which is better this way). The Virgin amazes me by her beauty, her attitude, her gestures, but mostly she attracts and draws you close to her. And we forget to fall on our knees when she appears, only thinking of rushing to her—not to make any requests—but in a feeling of gratitude and love. As if to say to her: Dear Mother, we, who are your children, know very well that you love us and that you want to shower us with gifts!"(2)


(1) There are 76 today, throughout the world

(2) Published in the Bulletin de liaison des Enfants de Medjugorje n. 114 (Winter 2015-2016)

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