November 15 - Byzantine Church: Our Lady of Piety - Saint Albert the Great, Doctor of the Church (1200-1280)

When will we see sweet Mary?

Sweet is the name of Mary, which makes the Church of the faithful melt in devotion everywhere. Tell me, I pray you, where do these sighs, murmur, and the prostration of the devout crowd in the church come from, when a cleric pronounces the name of Mary? It is like a sweet date, so sweet inside us ...

Sweet is the image of Mary, which artists trace with so much magnificence, zeal and gentleness, preferring it to the other images of saints, and that the faithful venerate with so much joy before all others. Do you not see that the churches are full of Mary’s image, an obvious sign that all hearts are full of her sweet memory?

These are the sweet fruits of the palm tree! The dates that Mary spreads on the land of the dying! Then can you imagine the quality of those that she distributes to the citizens of above in the land of the living, where we will see her, no longer in her images of gold or ivory, but face to face, in her most holy body. There our own eyes will see her face, that on this earth we have long desired with weeping. We will sit with our Mother, who is now far away from us. We will be able to talk to her, not only about her. Once there we will not leave her glorious presence. Oh! When will this happen?

Saint Albert the Great (1200-1280)

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