November 14 – Our Lady of Nicopeia, Bringer of Victory (Constantinople) - St Gregory Palamas

The image of Our Lady of Guadalupe left completely intact

On November 14, 1921, Luciano Pérez, a Mexican government official, placed a dynamite-laced flower wreath in front of the main altar of the Basilica of Guadalupe, under the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe. A few minutes later, there was a loud explosion.

The violence of the explosion destroyed the marble staircase of the central altar, twisted and threw down a heavy brass crucifix on the altar (still preserved in this state inside the basilica), blew out the central windows of the basilica and those of the surrounding houses, but miraculously failed to damage the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, even though the explosive device was right below it!

Six years after the apparition of the Virgin at Guadalupe, in 1531, there were already 9 million converts among the natives. The prodigious signs left by the Virgin Mary at Guadalupe are a testimony to the importance of the place—the preserved "tilma" of Juan Diego, the roses picked in the middle of winter, the strong symbols, the images seen in the retina of the Virgin’s eyes, and several miraculous and absolutely non-reproducible aspects of the image which contains no pigment, continue to stump modern science.

The Marie de Nazareth Team 

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