November 12 – The Holy Miraculous Icon (Russia)

A new form of Marian vocation for the Church

On August 14, 2018, at the first Vespers of the Assumption, a new form of vocation for the Church was born in the diocese of Fréjus-Toulon (southern France). In the parish church of the Immaculate Conception, which houses the Mary Who Unties Knots Shrine, a young woman received a blue habit (a Marian color), and pronounced her first vows in the presence of the local bishop, Bishop Dominique Rey.

Her mission? Sister Mathilda of the United Hearts has a dual vocation of prayer and active apostolate. Her charisma is at once monastic (through contemplation: prayer, lectio divina, liturgy of the hours, adoration, daily mass and communal life), apostolic (helping priests and parishes, working towards Unity), and educational (encouraging, sustaining through prayer, and developing vocations for the Church and for France—her country). Her spiritual mission is to live out, witness, and transmit the love that exists in the unique bond between the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary. Her Marian vocation is about giving herself totally to Christ, through prayer and the consecration to Our Lady, our Mother.

Let us pray for Sister Mathilda’s vocation and for all future vocations that will join her!

The Marie de Nazareth Team

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