May 27 – Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity - Madonna del Popolo (Italy, 1645)

Stay with Mary, even when everything seems to be over

In the middle of a gruesome war, a Syrian bishop said: “Hope is not believing that things will be better tomorrow. It means believing that God will be with me tomorrow as He is already today.”

In difficult times, we are invited to be like the Virgin Mary, who stands at the foot of her Son’s cross. She already believes in the Resurrection He has announced, even if everything seems to be over.

God does not come to fix things in a human manner, and much less in the manner of a magician. He comes to us first and foremost to save us and to give us Eternal Life. Of course, miracles can happen, but they are the exception. Yes, our prayers are heard...

Despite our ardent prayers, the sick still die, periods of unemployment can last a long time. Do we continue to believe in his presence and support anyway? Prayer is not meant to be effective according to our plans, it aims to unite us with God, and helps us to accept His sometimes mysterious will, to seek final salvation, beyond death.

Father François Pote

Excerpt from special issue #24: Garder la foi malgré les épreuves de la vie (Keeping the faith despite life’s trials) - Famille Chrétienne

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