May 18 – Our Lady of Holy Desire (Italy, 1890)

A miracle of Our Lady of Light

On the evening of March 15, 2012, my husband complained of a common back pain, nothing to worry about. But something inside me told me that it was serious and that we had to go to the hospital right away.

Once in the emergency room, the doctor diagnosed a renal colic and prescribed sedatives, with an x-ray the next day. But the same inner voice told me that we had to do a CAT-scan immediately. That's what we did, against any medical logic. Just as he entered the scanner, we saw that my husband’s iliac artery had broken, and that 2 liters of blood had already poured into in his stomach.

This artery is a very big artery. If it is ruptured, death occurs within seconds. No one has ever survived. If you ask all the doctors and surgeons we saw, my husband Sacha experienced a miracle. They are the ones who used the word! Sacha was on the operating table for 8 hours, and I spent the whole night praying.

Since Sacha’s recovery, he has had a completely normal life.

People tend to think that I saved my husband because I'm a doctor. But I know very well it isn’t true. I did not make the diagnosis. I am deeply convinced that our Lord Jesus Christ and Our Lady of Light (1) have performed this miracle. I will not have enough time in the rest of my life to be grateful to them!


(1) Our Lady of Light Shrine in Goult, diocese of Avignon, France

Testimony of Dr. Véronique Brunengo-Sorokolet

13560 Sénas, France

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