May 13 – First apparition in Fatima: “I come from Heaven” (Portugal, 1917) – Attack on the life of Saint John Paul II (1981)

National Rosary event in Australia

On May 13th, the feast of Our Lady of Fatima, Australia will hold their own big National Rosary around their country. A group of people from Sydney, under the patronage of Bishop David Cremin, have been busy organizing the event since November 2017.

In October last year, on the feast of Our Lady of Victory, later to be known as Our Lady of the Rosary, well over one million lay people gathered in Poland along the Polish borders to pray the Rosary for the protection of their country and to intercede for their young people.

Ireland then followed with well over 30,000 lay people gathering at 53 venues around the country, many of them on the coastal beaches and hills overlooking the ocean.

The number 53 was chosen because there are 53 Hail Marys in the Rosary. After Ireland, Italy’s coastal parishes organized the Rosary…

Adapted from an article by Sue Martggin in Catholic Outlook

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