March 31 – Our Lady of Militia (Sicily, 1091) – Our Lady of Iwer (Russia)

Virgin Mary, do not abandon us in the battle!

Today, O Holy Virgin Mary, we turn our gaze to you more insistently. You know that in our country, as in the whole world, the future of the human being, of the family, of civilization and of life is at stake. You see that the forces of man's destruction are at work more than ever, seducing minds and hearts.

You are the woman of the Apocalypse who, with the help of the angels, fights the devil. Take pity on us. Do not abandon us in the battle. Listen to the humble prayers we bring up to you with a child's heart.

Allow truth, purity, faith, and the union of hearts to triumph in us, not for our own glory, but so as to serve generously the Savior of men, your divine Son, throughout the world. Make us men and women who are brave and fervent, worthy of our forefathers and preparing future generations who will continue the work of love in our country and on all the earth. Amen.

Cardinal Paul Poupard

President Emeritus of the Pontifical Council for Culture, Rome

January 2018

Etoile Notre Dame

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