March 22 – Madonna Addolorata (Italy, 1889) – Birth of Lucia of Fatima (1907)

The World’s smallest Nativity scene created in Lithuania

There’s an elaborate nativity scene in Cathedral Square in Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania. It depicts everything from the baby Jesus to the three wise men and a collection of animals, including sheep and a camel. Researchers at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU) have now rendered that scene in nanoscale proportions and nicknamed the project #NanoJesus.

The team behind the nano-nativity says it’s the world’s smallest, and they’ve submitted it to Guinness World Records for certification. The scene is 10,000 times smaller than the real-world nativity it’s based on.

The entire nativity could sit on a human eyelash, and the Baby Jesus is smaller than a human cell. Pope Francis received one of the scenes on Friday as a gift from Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaite.

Deacon Greg Kandra, December 23, 2017


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