June 13 – Second apparition in Fatima: “God wishes to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart”

The great Marian mission of Blessed Alexandrina Maria

Alexandrina Maria da Costa (1904-1955) of Balasar, Portugal, was a Portuguese mystic who for 12 years lived only of the Eucharist. Although she is not well known in France, her life is very similar to that of French mystic Marthe Robin.

The great mission that God entrusted to Alexandrina was the Consecration of the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, which Pope Pius XII made in 1942. When we recall the apparitions of Fatima, we think especially of Lucia, one of the seers, who worked on this consecration. In fact, the consecration took place in several stages.

Let us remember that for 12 years, Alexandrina lived only of the Eucharist. Jesus said to her one day, in 1954: “My daughter, I placed you in the world and I make you live only from Me, to prove to the world what the Eucharist can do, what My life in the world is for souls—light and salvation for humanity.”

On Thursday, October 13, 1955, Alexandrina returned to God whom she had loved so much. A popular pilgrimage was set up around her room and her tomb, located near the high altar of the parish church of Balasar. Declared venerable on January 12, 1996, she was beatified by Pope Saint John Paul II on April 25, 2004, in Rome.

Paulette Leblanc, Specialist of Alexandrina’s spirituality

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