June 10 – Our Lady of Saint Luke (Italy, 1857)

Mary’s Big "M" ("AIME" = LOVE in French) Cycling Tour

From July 14th (France’s National Holiday) to August 15, 2018 (former French National Holiday and Feast of the Assumption) young people between 20-35 will embark on the second annual cycling tour of France. Our itinerary is the big "M" traced by the apparitions of the Virgin Mary in the 19th century in France: Lourdes, Pontmain, Pellevoisin, rue du Bac and La Salette.

Propelled by faith, the pilgrim-cyclists that we are will follow in the footsteps of the Blessed Virgin. The Mother of Jesus has had a predilection for France for centuries and we wish to once again place our country under her maternal protection, so that she may intercede on our behalf with her Son Jesus Christ.

At Pontmain on January 17, 1871, Our Lady said: "But pray, my children! God will answer you in a short time. My Son lets himself be touched."

As God goes through Mary to reveal himself and walk with us, we must go through Mary, our mother in heaven, to go to our Father who loves us so much. It is thanks to Saint Louis de Montfort and to his Treatise on the True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin that we are particularly aware of the important place occupied by Mary. "Christ will win through Mary," he writes.

Clarisse, for Le Grand AIME de Marie (Mary’s great LOVE or Big "M")

To participate in the pilgrimage through prayer click here 

For Registration and questions click here 

Website: Grand Aime

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