In the 1950s, a devout Catholic couple, who were major Parisian publishers, had been unsuccessfully trying to conceive for 17 years. By force of prayers, the spouses obtained from God a little girl, and they named her Martha.
They were crazy about this child, who was their life and joy. She was exquisitely graceful, affectionate and she loved the Lord. She was also very devoted to the Blessed Virgin Mary. She was a lily of purity too beautiful for this earth, and God decided to take her to Heaven.
This happened when she was 15. Her parents sat in tears next to her bed, looking at the girl who was dying. Martha continued to be kind, patient and smiling. Suddenly, her face lit up with heavenly joy: "Don’t cry," she said to her parents, "I see the Blessed Virgin coming to get me with the angels!" She died a few minutes after this final vision.
Taken from Le Chapelet des Enfants (The Children’s Rosary)
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