July 27 - Canonization of Catherine Labouré by Pius XII, attended by 10,000 Children of Mary dressed in white (1947)

The Marian devotion of Chinese Catholics

It is with a solemn mass that the Shrine of She Shan, the most famous Chinese Marian Shrine (Diocese of Shanghai, Mainland China) opened the month of Mary.

Today, the shrine is world-renowned thanks to Pope Benedict XVI who composed and broadcast his "Prayer to Our Lady of She Shan." At the top of the shrine is the statue of Our Lady who holds Her Son high, "presenting Him to the world with His arms wide open as a gesture of love," and asking Catholics "to always be credible witnesses of this love, by staying united with the rock on which the Church is built."

More than 3,000 faithful participated in the opening Mass of the month, on April 30th, while on May 1st, a Marian procession of the faithful arrived at the top of the mountain where the Marian basilica is located. Dozens of priests from other dioceses concelebrated the mass, attended by many seminarians, nuns and faithful.

The Diocesan Office of She Shan Pilgrimage has published a guide for the smooth running of such pilgrimages, well aware that Chinese Catholics have a deep Marian devotion and a special affection for Our Lady of She Shan.

Fides Agency, May 5, 2018

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