January 25 – Our Lady of the Good Journey (Bandel, India, 1599)

In India, hundreds of people visit this shrine every day

Bandel is located 40 km from Calcutta, India. The Shrine of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, also known as the Bandel Church, was built by the Portuguese in 1599.

The basilica is visited by hundreds of people every day and on feast days, thousands of people of all faiths go to the shrine to honor the Mother of God.

The statue of Our Lady of Bandel or Our Lady of the Good Journey on the roof of the basilica is considered miraculous. In front of the statue hundreds of candles are lit by the pilgrims and the faithful.

Every November, during the novena of Our Lady of the Good Journey, the shrine is filled with crowds of pilgrims.

The Marie de Nazareth Team 

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