January 22 – Our Lady of Ceignac (France, 1516) – Death of the Servant of God Claire de Castelbajac (France, 1975)

She died while saying the "Hail Mary"

Claire de Castelbajac was a young French woman, born in Paris in 1953, who worked as a fine art restorer in Rome, before dying at the young age of 22.

On the morning of her tenth birthday, despite being tired, Claire was anxious to attend Mass. In the evening, she confided to her mother: "Do you know what I asked for this morning? I asked that I may remain always as pure as I was after my baptism."

She used to say this invocation to the Blessed Virgin every morning as she awoke: "O Mary Immaculate, I entrust to you the purity of my heart. Be its guardian forever."

At 21, she was struck by a devastating illness. Yet she told her mother: "I am so happy that if I died now, I believe I would go straight to Heaven, since Heaven means praising God, and I'm already there!”

After her death, her intercession proved surprisingly powerful.

On January 22, 1975, Claire de Castelbajac died while saying the "Hail Mary."

The Marie de Nazareth Team 

Source: La Servante de Dieu, Claire de Castelbajac (1953-1975) : Heureux les cœurs purs!, Éditions le Livre ouvert, 2002.

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