January 3 – The bishop of Fatima asks Sister Lucia to write down the Third Secret of Fatima (1944)

"Our Lady asked me to pray for priests!"

"I believe that Our Lady is very eager to see many more people pray for priests!"

It is with this simple statement that the Holy Spirit sent us on a mission to support priests and seminarians, and to make the Church loved. Then we discovered the obvious: we really must stop criticizing our priests, and even keep silent about their weaknesses, except of course if they are criminal acts. Our Lady invites us to turn our recriminations into prayers and to offer her all priests ... because she is their Mother! She takes care of her children and guides them throughout their priesthood.

In Mary, priests renew their priesthood in the Holy Spirit and can lead us to eternal joy. The more priests are attached to the Virgin Mary, the more she can use them to lead us to holiness, by making them more and more holy.

We can entrust priests to Our Lady during Mass, by standing with Mary at the foot of the Cross, and offering our communion for them, especially on Thursdays, so that the graces of the Death and Resurrection of Jesus will descend on their priesthood, to the greatest glory of God and the Church.

Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of priests, we entrust you all the priests and seminarians from all over the world. 

Anne Isabelle Chartier-Kastler

Member of Mary Mother of Priests Mission

Source: Mary Mother of Priests Mission – to support priests and seminarians

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