January 1 – Mary, Mother of God

Entering the new year with Our Lady (II)

"Our Lady invites us to enter the new year with trust and vigilance. She does not pay lip service. She is the servant of the Lord. She knows that it is not those who say "Lord, Lord" who will enter the Kingdom, but those who do the Father's will (Mt 7:21). She always sought the will of God, discerned it in the events of her life, and contemplated it by reflecting on what she had experienced (Lk 2:19 and 2:51). She lived with great vigilance of heart and mind.

We too are invited to do God’s will. Like Our Lady, we must let ourselves be enlightened by the Spirit and see all things in the light of the Gospel. We must learn to discern. In a world where often the only norm is the desire of every individual, we must be heedful about what is the true good of man and society.

We must refuse anything that undermines the dignity of the human person. We must also be “awakeners” of hope, sentinels who know that after the night dawn will break. We must be witnesses of God’s mercy that wants to reach every man. Mary is vigilant. She invites sinners to convert and turn to her Son. Let us pray that—throughout this year—she may communicate her vigilance and make us night watchmen! Happy New Year to you all!"

+ Jean-Pierre cardinal RICARD

Archbishop of Bordeaux (France)

Homily of December 31, 2014

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