March 3 – Our Lady of Help (Italy) - Saint Gwenola - 14th apparition in Lourdes

How was Mary’s faith a journey?

The Council says that Mary “advanced in her pilgrimage of faith” (ibid., 58). In this way she precedes us on this pilgrimage, she accompanies and sustains us.

How was Mary’s faith a journey? In the sense that her entire life was to follow her Son: he – Jesus – is the way, he is the path! To press forward in faith, to advance in the spiritual pilgrimage which is faith, is nothing other than to follow Jesus; to listen to him and be guided by his words; to see how he acts and to follow in his footsteps; to have his same sentiments. 

And what are these sentiments of Jesus? Humility, mercy, closeness to others, but also a firm rejection of hypocrisy, duplicity and idolatry. The way of Jesus is the way of a love which is faithful to the end, even unto sacrificing one’s life; it is the way of the cross. 

The journey of faith thus passes through the cross. Mary understood this from the beginning, when Herod sought to kill the newborn Jesus.

When Jesus’ “hour” came, the hour of his passion, when Mary’s faith was a little flame burning in the night … And when she received word that the tomb was empty, her heart was filled with the joy of faith: Christian faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Faith always brings us to joy, and Mary is the Mother of joy! May she teach us to take the path of joy, to experience this joy.

Pope Francis, Saturday, October 12, 2013

Prayer for the Marian Day on the occasion of the Year of Faith 

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