Here is some amazing news that reached us via a parish priest of the diocese of Lyon.
The priest in question is the spiritual director of a lady with paraplegia.
In early September 2017, doctors diagnosed this woman with a cancerous ovarian tumor. She told her priest, who gave her the novena called “Going Through Cancer with Zélie Martin and the Virgin of the Smile” (Life Editions). In her distress, she turned to Heaven and prayed this novena.
At the beginning of October, the woman had an appointment with the oncologist to set up the treatment protocol. It was then that upon examination, incredibly, there was no trace of the tumor. The cancer was gone.
The lady alerted her priest who, after talking with fellow priests, was forced to admit that this was a "miracle".
This story is very recent and, with the current information we have at our disposal, it is pointing at a miracle. Let us remain prudent, however, until the Church makes an official statement.
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