February 28 – Our Lady of Tears (Italy, 1522) - 11th apparition in Lourdes

"Of her we do not speak, of her we sing"

Of her we do not speak,
of her we sing.
Of her we do not think,
but we call upon her and love her.
She is not the subject of study,
but of poetry.
The greatest geniuses of the world
have put brush and pen
at her service.
If Jesus incarnates the Word,
the Logos,
the Light,
Mary personifies Art,
Masterpiece of the Creator,
on whom the Holy Spirit
delighted to bestow all he invented,
and poured out so many of his inspirations.
Beautiful Mary!
About her we can never say enough.

Chiara Lubich (1920-2008)

Founder of the Focolare Movement (Italy)

(taken from Mary, The Transparency of God, New City Press, New York 2003)

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