February 27 – Our Lady of the Road (Italy, 1617) – 10th apparition in Lourdes

A Wild West Rosary event

There was a mass rosary service throughout the United States on December 12, the feast day of Our Lady of Guadalupe, inspired “100 percent” by the Rosary on the Borders in Poland.

The “Rosary on the Coasts and Borders” is the initiative of a group of Church Militant fans who proposed — and then began planning — the event in its website comments box.

Lemmon also praised the rosary events in Italy and Ireland.

The intention of the prayers will be “to ask Our Lady to save the USA …from the denial of the Christian faith, and for an end of abortion. 

The USA Rosary on the Coasts and Borders will not literally surround the nation’s massive territory. Instead, Lemmon said, it will put up “a prayer shield by representation.”

“Here in the States we do things state by state, and we believe in representation,” she told LifeSiteNews. “So (we need as representatives) one person or group from each of the 50 States, plus D.C., plus Puerto Rico, plus Guam or other territory. By December 12, that will be all 53 of us, representing the whole USA to Our Lady of Guadalupe.”

In this way, the organizers hoped to match a state or protectorate to each of the Hail Marys in a five-decade rosary.

The Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe was chosen for a few reasons. First, one of the only Marian apparitions in the New World pronounced authentic by the Catholic Church was witnessed in Villa de Guadalupe in 1531. Next, Pius XII named Our Lady of Guadalupe the Patroness of the Americas in 1946. Finally, an image of Our Lady of Guadalupe was taken by Don Juan of Austria’s Christian army into the Battle of Lepanto in 1571. The Battle of Lepanto represented a major defeat to the Ottoman Empire.

The Rosary On the Coasts and Borders currently has representatives in 30 states and Puerto Rico. … Canadians, too, are invited to join in. Lemmon addressed them through LifeSiteNews, saying, “Turn to your south on December 12 and join us in throwing up to heaven a bubble of protection across these vast lands. … And when you do your own Canadian Rosary, we will turn to our north … and join you in storming heaven for Canada!”

Lemmon described the lay-led event as “a Wild West Rosary.”

Santa Paula, California, December 1, 2017 (LifeSiteNews)

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