February 25 – Virgin Nicopeia (Venice, Italy) – 9th apparition in Lourdes – King Charles VII meets with Saint Joan of Arc in Chinon

"My name is Mary"

I was born in a small village in Judea more than 2,000 years ago.

My name would have been forgotten long ago if, one night, I did not willingly take on an incredible mission.

On that night, God asked me to participate in a miracle of goodness and love, for all men, until the end of time.

My name is Mary.

Here is my story. It is also the story of my Son.

The Virgin Mary

Excerpt from the novel Je m’appelle Marie (My name is Mary), written by Elisabeth Bourgois, in full convergence with the Gospels, published by Editions du Cerf, Paris 2017. By letting Mary speak in the first person, the author simply and vividly tells the story of the Holy Family in its familiar surroundings, through the eyes and heart of Mary: a daring and successful achievement. The perfect gift for sharing the Good News.

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