February 22 – Blessed Isabelle of France (d. 1270), foundress of a monastery dedicated to “the Humility of the Blessed Virgin”

Did the Blessed Virgin know the future?

Did the Blessed Virgin know the future? This question was submitted by a young reader of the weekly French Catholic magazine Famille Chrétienne, to the journalist Juliette Levivier. This is her answer:

"Your question kind of surprised me! I can’t really imagine Mary as the fortune-teller of Galilee! You asked first if Mary knew in advance that she would be the mother of the Savior. Of course not! Saint Luke even says that she was "greatly troubled." She was chosen to be the Savior's mother, can you imagine? She, the humble one, how could she have known that she would receive such a grace? Mary could not imagine God's plan before it came to be, but, like all the daughters of Israel (and more than any other), she was fervently waiting for the Savior promised by God.

The Lord had prepared her heart so that she could hear the announcement with a sense of peace. Mary’s "yes" had been ready for a long time because of her hope that she would see the promised Salvation, through her prayer and perfect charity, but she did not know it."

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