February 20 - Saint Jacinta Marto, seer of Fatima (d. 1920) – Fifth apparition in Lourdes

"Her heart was full; her soul was silent"

"How could Mary not be silent? A creature who had lived so long with the Creator could not speak much; her heart was full; her soul was silent.

She had been with Jesus for twelve long years, important years for the formation of habits, though Mary lived them as if in a holy ecstasy, full of painful love. She had carried Jesus in her arms. She had watched over him while he slept. She had given him his food; she had looked into his eyes.

All this time, he had revealed his heart to her. She had learned to give her heart back to him. All the similarities with God passed through Mary’s soul. We know how silent God is."

Frederic William Faber

In Belle et douce Marie, la Vierge des peintres (“Sweet and Beautiful Mary: The Virgin of Painters”) by Michael Lonsdale, released in December 2017, Éditions Philippe Rey, a 125-page illustrated book of paintings of Mary in color accompanied by beautiful texts, p.54

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