January 31 - Saint John Bosco

The smallest basilica in the world might be in Brazil

A tiny chapel perched more than 1,700 meters above sea level, near Belo Horizonte, Brazil, was raised to the rank of basilica. Built at the beginning of the 17th century, it has been visited by pilgrims ever since a miracle occurred there on September 30, 1767: a girl who was deaf and dumb was cured following an apparition of the Virgin Mary there. The shrine differs from other basilicas in that it is very small, possibly the smallest basilica in the world. It is merely a small chapel, dedicated to “Our Lady of Mercy.” Built at an elevation of 1,746 meters (5,728 ft), this chapel and the modern church built a short distance away are known for being conducive to meditation and prayer, helping people to encounter God. In 2016, some 500,000 pilgrims went there, and in 2017, a record number of 700,000 visitors was expected!


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