December 25 – Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ

The Virgin Mary tells the story of the Nativity (II)

In The Gospel as Revealed to Me, by Maria Valtorta, the Virgin Mary returned to the grotto of Bethlehem many years later with Jesus and his Apostles, and told the story of the birth of her Son, indicating the exact places where everything happened while Joseph was resting and asleep:

"Silence and sleep then enveloped the Just ... I heard another voice from the earth: Are you sleeping, Mary? But it was so distant ... An echo, a memory of the earth, so weak that it didn’t reach the soul. I do not know what answer I made while I kept rising in this abyss of fire, of infinite beatitude, a foretaste of God, to him, to Him ... Oh! But was it you who were born, or was it I who was born of the Trinitarian splendor that night? Did I give you life, or did you pull me and give life to me? I do not know…

Then came the descent, from chorus to chorus, from star to star, from cloud to cloud, sweet, slow, blessed, tranquil like that of a flower which an eagle took to the heights and which he lets fall, and which goes down slowly on the wings of the air ... and is found on its native land ... My diadem is you! You, pressed to my heart ...

After worshiping you on my knees, I sat there, and loved you. Finally, I could love you without the separation of the flesh; I rose to bring you to Joseph, to be loved by him who, like me, was deemed worthy to be among the first to love you. Here, between these two rustic columns, I offered you to the Father. And here, you lay for the first time on Joseph's heart ...

Then I swaddled you and together we placed you here. I rocked you while Joseph dried the hay at the flame and kept it warm by putting it on his chest. In this place, we both adored you, bending over you as I do now, to drink your breath, to see to what annihilation love can lead, and to shed the kind of tears that Heaven certainly pours from the inexhaustible joy of seeing God."

From The 20 mysteries of the Rosary in the Writings of Maria Valtorta - Centro Editoriale Valtortiano, p. 54-55, and The Gospel as Revealed to Me, 207,2 / 8; 29.7 / 12

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