December 6 – Our Lady of the Vow (Siena, Italy)

Mary belongs to the race of the redeemed

As Ahasuerus said to Esther, "this law made for all was not made for you," so the Holy Spirit reveals to us that from the first moment of her existence on this earth, Mary was the object of the most astonishing divine favors. She is immaculate, all immaculate! Tota pulchra es Maria and macula originalis non est in te.

The shadows of sin have not approached you, O pure and unblemished virgin, lily bursting with light and beauty. Certainly, Mary belongs to the race of the redeemed and everything in her is the fruit of the Redemption. Like us, she remains a child of Calvary and of the Redeeming Blood, but in such an exceptional and sublime order of redemption that her immaculate soul remains the masterpiece of God, the edifice of grace, the great and all-powerful marvel of the love with which the Most High has laid, from his divine hand, the foundations even to the summits of the holy mountains.

The first fullness of grace wins out and raises her without comparison over the consummate grace of all the saints of Heaven and the saints to come. 

Marthe Robin (a French mystic and stigmatist)

Taken from Prends ma vie Seigneur (Take my life, Lord), by the Rev. Father Peyret

S'abonner est facile, se désabonner également
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