August 25 – Mary, Health of the Sick - Saint Louis, King of France (d. 1270)

Today the Queen of the World took me out of Purgatory

In Rome, on the day of the Assumption, a woman entered the basilica erected on the Capitol in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary. There, she was greatly surprised to see one of her neighbors who had died the year before!

“Aren’t you my neighbor Marozina, who has been dead for some time?” – “Yes, it is me.” – “And how are you here now?”

The woman told her that she had suffered a lot in Purgatory for some faults committed during her childhood.

“Today,” she continued, “the Queen of the World has prayed for us and has taken me out of Purgatory with many others. So many souls were delivered that their number exceeds the population of Rome! This is why, in thanksgiving, we are visiting the places dedicated to our glorious Lady, the Virgin Mary.”

And, as proof of the reality of her apparition, the happy delivered woman told her friend that in a year’s time, she too would have died, which happened according to the prediction.

From Le Chapelet des enfants (The Children’s Rosary) 

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