May 2 – Our Lady of Sorrows (Italy, 1895) - St Athanasius of Alexandria, Doctor (d. 373 or 374)

This medal belonged to my mother

She has been on Supplemental Security Income, used drugs, had numerous love affairs ... Fiona Gélin, the 55-year-old French actress, daughter of actor Daniel Gélin, shared her story on the website of the French newspaper France Dimanche, on February 9, 2018:

F.G.: For the past three years, I have been getting Supplemental Security Income, and ‘thanks’ to osteoarthritis, I have also been receiving the allowance for adults with disabilities since the beginning of this year. But what makes me happy is that I have been walking normally since last June. I owe this miracle to a medal that I found in an old article of clothing that I wore 10 years ago. This medal belonged to my mother.

France-Dimanche: Do you believe in miracles?

F.G.: Because of what happened, I have to! I have been praying to the Virgin Mary every morning since 1996. She is even tattooed on my shoulder! Before that I was an atheist. I became a believer following my first stay at the Sainte-Anne psychiatric hospital in Paris (France).

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