April 29 – Our Lady of Ghiara (Italy, 1596) – Saint Catherine of Siena, great mystic and doctor of the Church

Go pray to Mary! She is your Mother, she will help you!

In Italy, an exorcist priest told me that one day, a troubled and desperate young man came to seek his help. Not that he was physically ill, but he was constantly tormented in his mind. He had engaged in occult practices, not to mention drugs, alcohol and other harmful things!

The priest was busy with another difficult case and could not interrupt his work, but seeing the young man’s suffering, he wanted to help him anyway. He thought of the statue of Our Lady in his church, representing the Virgin of the rue du Bac, in Paris, who gave us the Miraculous Medal. From her outstretched hands rays of light spring forth, signifying the graces she dispenses on all who ask her for them. He said to the young man, "Go pray to Mary in front of the statue and look her in the eyes! She is your Mother, she will help you!"

The young man went to kneel before the statue, pouring out his misery, his eyes locked into Mary’s eyes. Suddenly, he felt a great sense of relief coming to him from Our Lady's gaze. Never in his life had he felt such maternal tenderness. Full of joy, he stayed a long time in front of the statue. It was like a balm that penetrated his body, his heart and his soul! When he left, he was healed and delivered!

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