April 28 – Our Lady of Graces (Avellino, Italy) - Saint Louis de Montfort – Saint Gianna Beretta Molla – Feast of Saint Pierre Chanel

The Blessed Virgin will take care of everything

The Marian devotion of Saint Pierre Chanel came from his mother Marie Anne, who had consecrated him to the Virgin Mary well before his birth. Pierre was baptized on July 16th, the feast day of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, and he used to celebrate this anniversary every year. His motto was: "To love Mary and to make her loved." …

To love Mary is to put her in our hearts and thus allow the Holy Spirit to find a favorable ground for the life of Jesus to grow in us. This love of Mary is at the source of our life with Christ. To make Mary loved is the summit of our life as disciples of Jesus, which in turn means to be missionary, living Christians and not living-room disciples!

Often, we would like to see the fruit of this life with Mary, and sometimes in the midst of daily life we want to give up. In this case, let us follow the teaching of Saint Pierre Chanel, who says: "Take Courage, God will crown your efforts, not your achievements."

And above all, let us remember these words: "Let the Blessed Virgin act, she will take care of everything." - "Knock on the door of Mary's heart, she will bring forth a missionary plan," Saint Peter Chanel wrote to the founder of the Marists who was deploring the lack of vocations.

Father Pierre Le Bourgeois

Rector of the Shrine of Saint-Pierre Chanel in Cuet (Ain department, France)

Notre Histoire avec Marie

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