September 16 – Our Lady of Las Lajas (Latin America)

Mary, the Mother who has never let me down!

My experience with Mary started right at my mother’s breast! Mary, the Immaculate Conception, has always accompanied me and has been a light on my journey since childhood, through her words "Do everything that He tells you."

Today the Virgin Mary is ever-present in my episcopal ministry. I can testify that she has never let me down, especially at the three keys moments of my life: when I had to leave my father's house to commit myself to the service of the Gospel as a diocesan priest; when I crossed the ocean to go do a mission in Spain; and still today, in my mission as Bishop of São Miguel Paulista (Brazil).

Manuel Parrado Carral, Bishop of São Miguel Paulista

Exclusive interview by Thácio Siqueira for A Moment With Mary

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