Sister Cecilia, a Roman nun and a contemporary of Saint Dominic, recounted a vision that the saint had, which shows the Virgin Mary’s special protection over the Order of Preachers.
One night, after staying to pray longer than the rest of the community in the deserted church, St Dominic continued his prayers in the Brothers' dormitory. There, three ladies approached him. The most beautiful and noble carried a precious vase. One of her companions handed her a sprinkler, with which she blessed each of the sleeping brothers, tracing the sign of the cross over each one. Dominic bowed deeply and asked who she was. She replied: "I am the one whom you invoke each evening, when you say, "O thou, our Advocate" (prayer of the Hail Holy Queen). Each time you do, I prostrate myself before my Son to ask for the preservation of this Order."
Then Dominic saw the Virgin Mary sitting at the right side of God. Members of all religious orders were in contemplation of the Lord and his Mother but there were no Dominicans. Dominic wept bitter tears, which prompted Mary and her Son to ask him the reason for his sadness. "Do you wish to see your order?" Jesus asked him. "Yes, Lord," replied Dominic, trembling. So the Lord put his hand on the Blessed Virgin's shoulder and said to Dominic, "I have entrusted your order to my mother." The Virgin opened her cloak, and lo! sheltered in its folds, Dominic saw a multitude of his own Brothers!
The Mother of the Word is also the Mother of the Preachers.
Source: Notre Histoire avec Marie
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