October 13 – 6th apparition in Fatima: the miracle of the Sun (Portugal, 1917)

The sun suddenly appeared to detach itself from the sky

The 6th and final apparition of Our Lady in Fatima (Portugal) took place on October 13, 1917. Despite the rain, between 50,000 and 60,000 people came. Lucia asked the faithful to close their umbrellas and to recite the Rosary together. During the apparition, the Immaculate Conception presented herself to Lucia and said:

"I want to ask you to build a chapel here in my honor. I am Our Lady of the Rosary. Let everyone continue to recite the Rosary every day. The war will end and the soldiers will soon return home."

Suddenly, the rain stopped and the crowd was able to look directly at the sun without burning their eyes or being in any way inconvenienced. The sun began to move, then it spun on itself at a vertiginous speed, throwing sparks of light of all colors. It approached the earth, to the point that the crowd was afraid.

In fact, the sun suddenly appeared to detach itself from the sky and zigzag down towards the crowd. To the general amazement, onlookers found that their clothes, soaked by the rain a few minutes before, were completely dry! This dance of the sun was also seen miles away from Fatima.

The Mary of Nazareth Team 

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