November 10 – Our Lady of Almudena (Madrid, Spain) - Saint Leo the Great, pope (d. 461)

November is the month of the souls in Purgatory

"The pains of purgatory are compared to the waves, because they last only a certain time, unlike the pains of hell that do not pass; and they are compared to the waves of the sea because of their extreme bitterness.

"I have penetrated the depths of this abyss" (Sir 24:5). This abyss, says Saint Bonaventure, is none other than the purgatory in which Mary descends to relieve by her presence the souls detained there. But not only does Mary console and succor her servants in purgatory; she also releases them from this prison, and delivers them by her intercession.

And if we would assist the holy souls in purgatory, let us endeavor to remember them in all our prayers to the blessed Virgin, applying to them especially the Holy Rosary, which procures for them great relief.”

Saint Alphonsus of Liguori

In The Glories of Mary VIII, 2 

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