May 23 – La Linda (Peru, 1664) – 3rd apparition in Tre Fontane (Italy)

"Women bring harmony that makes the world beautiful"

"Without women, there is no harmony in the world". That was the message of Pope Francis in his homily at the morning Mass at the Casa Santa Marta on Thursday 9 February, 2017. "Often when we speak about women,” the Pope said, "we think of them in a ‘functionalist’ manner. Instead, we should see women as bearers of a richness that men do not possess: women bring harmony to Creation. It is she who brings that harmony that teaches us to caress, to love with tenderness; and who makes the world a beautiful place.”

This is what the woman brings, this ability to be in love," Francis explained. "Functionality is not the goal of the woman, he continued, but it is indeed that of bringing harmony. Exploiting persons is a crime of ‘lèse-humanité’: it’s true. But exploiting a woman is even more serious: it is destroying the harmony that God has chosen to give to the world.”

"A woman is harmony, is poetry, is beauty," concluded the Holy Father, "Without her the world would not be so beautiful, it would not be harmonious. And I like to think – but this is a personal thing – that God created women so that we would all have a mother."  

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