May 18 – Our Lady of Holy Desire (Italy, 1890)

Let us follow him with Mary

Let us go to Mary, since she is our mother, the mother of each one of us! Let us go to her, since she is the universal mediatrix between God and us. Oh! If we knew how to make ourselves very small! If we only knew how to turn our eyes and our hearts towards the one who loves us so much!

What good virtues, what good counsels this humble Virgin, this tender mother, this noble queen, would teach us: on the profit of humility, on the demands of charity, on the wisdom of obedience, on the sweetness of abandonment to God, and on the joys of trust. She is a mother, and as a mother, she is so eager to fly to the aid of her child if he implores her aid with confidence and love.

Let us follow Jesus, with Mary his incomparable mother: Jesus, the perfect model, the complete model, the model of all... Let us fix our gaze not only on his divinity, but also on his holy and suffering humanity.

Marthe Robin

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