March 20 –Saint Nicholas of Flüe (Switzerland, 1417-1487) who had several apparitions of the Virgin Mary

I needed that hug to find my way

Franco Gedda is director of the Cenacolo “school of life” in Lourdes, France. He shared the story of a special grace he received at the Grotto in 2001, when he was himself a young man hosted by the Cenacolo:

"I had been taking drugs for 23 years. I wanted to quit. I was lucky to be admitted into the Cenacolo community in 2000. On February 11, 2001, I arrived in Lourdes. A few months later, I went to the Grotto. I was still sad, and not really cured of drugs. It was the Easter vigil. A young handicapped person turned to me and hugged me. I understood that the Virgin was there, accompanying me in my efforts to get out of drugs and that through this meeting with a young boy less fortunate than me as far as his health was concerned, but who already possessed the joy of faith, she wanted to strengthen me on my journey.

Since then, every time I go to the Grotto, I thank Mary who sent me this guardian angel and I see her smile again. I think that Jesus and Mary know how to surprise us and give us a helping hand through something that can seem very insignificant. I needed that hug that day to find my way."

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