March 14 – Our Lady of Kostroma or Fedor (Russia)

After experiencing the worst, there is nothing to fear

Expected to die at the age of 12 because of a rare respiratory condition, Frédérique Lemarchand spent her childhood in the hospital. The prognoses were unanimous, and even her parents had accepted her fate and already mourned.

But life—and Our Lady of Lourdes—decided otherwise. At 14, Frédérique became eligible for a transplant of the heart and two lungs ... which she ended up receiving at the age of 34!

On February 11, 2012, feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, she went into a clinical death during the transplant, followed by a coma that lasted 40 days. This period of coma upset her perception of things and also gave her "a feeling of eternity, but not immortality." In other words, she received faith.

"I had a lot of hatred and it was as if after the transplant I released all the love I had in my body." Today Frédérique is no longer afraid of death. She admits: "After experiencing the worst, I have nothing to fear. I welcome everything that happens to me with gratitude."

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