March 12 – Our Lady of Guadalupe (Spain)

“What, my most precious little one, saddens your heart?”

As we visit the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the same things that happened to Juan Diego can also happen to us. Let’s look at the Blessed Mother from within our own sufferings, our own fear, hopelessness, sadness, and say to her, “What can I offer since I am not learned?”

We should look at our Mother with eyes that reflect our thoughts: there are so many situations which leave us powerless, which make us feel that there is no room for hope, for change, or transformation…

In looking at her, we will hear what she says to us once more, “What, my most precious little one, saddens your heart?” (Nican Mopohua, 107). “Yet am I not here with you, who have the honor of being your mother?” (ibid., 119).

Mary tells us that she has “the honor” of being our mother, assuring us that those who suffer do not weep in vain. Those tears are a silent prayer rising to heaven, always finding a place in Mary’s mantle. In her and with her, God has made himself our brother and companion along the journey; he carries our crosses with us so as not to leave us overwhelmed by our sufferings.

Pope Francis


Mass at the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe, homily on February 13, 2016

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