March 7 – Apparition of the Madonna Del Monte Berico to Vicenza Pasini (Italy, 1426)

Changing the world with a “yes”

Do you have spiritual goals for this new year? If so, following the example of Mary can help. She went from being an ordinary future bride to being a woman facing a difficult spiritual challenge.

When Mary accepted her miraculous pregnancy, she probably knew that no one would believe her. If Joseph had decided not to marry her, she would have been publicly humiliated. She was determined to sacrifice her own reputation to answer the call of her vocation.

Most of us have dreams and specific ideas about how the year 2017 should unfold. But what if nothing happens as planned, and everything changes in the blink of an eye? Mary was open to changes in her personal life.

She risked her life by accepting this unusual maternity and she was never the same again. She changed the course of History by committing to grow personally and spiritually. It is incredible to see how each and every one of us can change the world simply by having the courage to say "yes."

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