June 3 – Our Lady of the Letter (Italy)

There is something inexplicable in Lourdes

Thousands of "miraculous healings" occur every year in Lourdes, one of the most visited religious shrine in the world. Many people reject the idea of miracles altogether because they are unaware of the strict stance of the Church on the issue and do not know that there is a rigorous procedure in place for the Church to follow before she will validate any of the thousands of miracles that are reported.

This position stands in contrast with the respectful attitude observed by some prestigious scientists such as Dr. Luc Montagnier, winner of the 2008 Nobel Prize in Medicine, who discovered the HIV virus.

Montagnier affirms that "there is something inexplicable concerning the miracles of Lourdes" and he rejects the position of certain scientists who "commit the error of rejecting what they do not understand. I do not like that attitude. I often quote astrophysicist Carl Sagan, who says, 'The absence of proof is not proof of absence'. Concerning the miracles of Lourdes that I studied, I really believe there is something inexplicable about them. I must admit that some healings go beyond the current limits of science. "

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