July 23 – Saint Bridget of Sweden (d. 1373)

How a medal of Mary saved a soldier during WWII

It was on the night of November 10, 1939. I had been sent to reconnoiter the position of the German troops, and with three other soldiers made it to the place where the enemy was advancing. On my right wrist I was wearing a medal of Our Lady of Victories that I never took off.

It was around midnight. One of the men carried an electrical system. He walked ahead of me, moving and stopping, depending on the slightest sounds he heard. From time to time a burst of machine-gun fire warned us that the Germans were on the alert.

All of a sudden I saw a little light on the ground. I bent over to take a closer look. I had scarcely lowered my head when I felt a gust of machine-gun fire above me, where my head would have been. Had I not bent down, I would certainly have been killed on the spot.

What was this light that caught my attention? A medal of Our Lady of Victories! I looked at my wrist. My medal was no longer there. It had fallen at my feet and was in fact the one I had picked up! The most surprising thing is that the chain was still intact. No link was broken or opened. The medal had just detached itself.

Collection of Marian Stories (Recueil Marial)

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